Thursday, June 30, 2011

I am having a blast!!

Hey lovelies

Look at this! I am posting twice in one week?

Sorry, did that feather just knock you over?

I just wanted to share a couple of things with you;

the first is that I finally had my Dahlia painting framed!! 

Let me hear a big Wooo hoooo!

I was so chuffed with the gorgeous aged silver frame that I was instantly inspired.

You have to love when you inspire yourself...

Our bedroom is the haven of the house.  

No, not the haven for us, but the haven for where;
 the washing goes if we haven't folded it yet, or
our three year old stashes her toys, or
our dog hides when the three year old is chasing him with her toys...

You get the picture.

So I bought a gorgeous silver fabric with a pale silver sewn pattern
and mocked up a bed head.

I then changed the sheets
  (domestic duty made this necessary) 
to all our white sheets/ doona cover, etc,

and hung the painting above the bed head.

It wasn't "photo perfect", but it was enough to give an idea.

Do you know what the hubs said when he walked in?

"Oh WOW!!"

That was all I needed to know it was a plan that could be developed.

It's a work in progress - like most things in our house - 

but you know, that's okay because I am


healthy and

having fun!!

Despite the washing not being folded.

Have a great weekend!!



Monday, June 27, 2011

Let's celebrate the little rays of sunshine


It has been so long since I have been here that I almost forgot what you look like!

I must say though, 
you are looking rather lovely today
...have you done something new with your hair?

No?  Well, let me tell you then that you look WoNDerful today!!

At this time of year we are smack in the middle of winter...smack cold, frozen, iced over, winter.  But let's be honest, we are in Australia...

So how cold can it get?

Well, where I live we have cars frosted over that need de-icing.  My boys like to do this by using the warmth of their hands so I end up with little warm hand prints all over the frosted windows.  That's about as bad as it gets.

If it snows, which has happened here in the last 2 years, we get really excited and stand around in the yard with our mouths open trying to catch flakes on our tongues.

Well, the kids and I do at least - the lovely just looks on fondly.

The truth is I love winter!! Mostly for the special days where the wind is still, the sun shines and the freshness of the cold morning is invigorating and makes you feel alive.

So in celebration of the winter rays of sunshine, let's have a wee peek at some beautiful inspiration.

I don't know about you, but I have noticed lots of yellow with black, white and grey lately.  I am not talking the yellow walls that we injected into happy homes in the 90s,  but rather the pops of sunny cheery yellow.

Don't you think that the yellow really sparkles
in the calming neutrals we love right now?

I am loving this gorgeous abstract, 
set behind the crisp white vase and the bare branches.

Seriously, who needs flowers?

Actually, I lets just forget that last question.

all images from decorpad

For me it is the artwork that makes this scheme work.

Being a large piece, it helps to break the wallpaper 
and bring together the striking combination
of contrasting colour and pattern.

Would you have picked yellow, turquoise and grey together?

I don't truly know if I could live in this 24/7,  
but I do love the colour adventure...
 the solid turquoise and grey chairs, 
the yellow curtains, 
all set against the patterned grey rug and happy yellow wallpaper...

As you all know, I love colour and for me yellow is happy.  

Plain and simple.

Happy Sunshine!!!




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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Please be blogging is not easy....

Hi friends!!

I'm terrible, yes? I know, I know; it is too long between posts and standard excuses of family, work and other commitments all start to sound thin when EVERYONE has the same hectic lifestyle.

Add to that, I've returned to blog and now, for some odd reason, blogger is not loading. I am hoping it is a temporary issue that will miraculously resolve itself.

However, for now, I am typing one fingered on my phone. Fun!!

I spent a lovely winter Sunday with my folks down the coast, and what I wanted to share today was my Dad and his photography. Just quietly, he rocks photography! And since Dad has followed me since the beginning, I know he will be reading.

Hey Dad! Yes; permission is granted to glow ;)

While we were at the coast Dad entered the 'weekly shooter' comp at Photo Art. Dad came second in one of the previous BIG international competitions. This week Dad won the weekly 'shoot out' theme of movement...with a photo of our little Boo riding a tricycle.

Very proud!!

So please check out my Dadda, here :

I am sooo disappointed I can't post a photo to show you all the super photo he took on the weekend when I demonstrated to my middle little-man (after we ate) why you don't feed seagulls while you are eating...they swarm! He thought it was a hoot!!

Anyway, again forgive me. Hopefully I will be back to normal soon.


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