Hey lovelies
Look at this! I am posting twice in one week?
Sorry, did that feather just knock you over?
I just wanted to share a couple of things with you;
the first is that I finally had my Dahlia painting framed!!
Let me hear a big Wooo hoooo!
I was so chuffed with the gorgeous aged silver frame that I was instantly inspired.
You have to love when you inspire yourself...
Our bedroom is the haven of the house.
No, not the haven for us, but the haven for where;
the washing goes if we haven't folded it yet, or
our three year old stashes her toys, or
our dog hides when the three year old is chasing him with her toys...
You get the picture.
So I bought a gorgeous silver fabric with a pale silver sewn pattern
and mocked up a bed head.
I then changed the sheets
(domestic duty made this necessary)
to all our white sheets/ doona cover, etc,
and hung the painting above the bed head.
It wasn't "photo perfect", but it was enough to give an idea.
Do you know what the hubs said when he walked in?
"Oh WOW!!"
That was all I needed to know it was a plan that could be developed.
It's a work in progress - like most things in our house -
but you know, that's okay because I am
healthy and
having fun!!
Despite the washing not being folded.
Have a great weekend!!