Monday, August 29, 2011

Stre-etched! Stop. Coffee time.

Hi everyone

Where have I been? Not here, which is clearly obvious by my utter lack of a post for over a month.

You see, I did a silly thing and stretched myself thin,...really thin.

(would be nice if it could transfer to my hips and thighs in readiness for Summer)

Source: via Cindy on Pinterest

What have I been up to? Well,

- I am finalising our wandering travels and accommodation through the UK - very hard for someone who doesn't do well with so many wonderful choices;

- In the excitement of our trip to Paris, I have been doing French Lessons;

- These lessons are in addition to my foundation studies in Colour and Design via distance education;

- I happily agreed to illustrate a girlfriends children's book.  Thankfully she is not pressing a due date right now;

- For fun, my Mum and I enjoyed a roadtrip (750+kms each way) to Melbourne to visit my brother, wife and my nephew.  It was fantastic fun!

- Mix all this activity with the usual working and raising three active wonderful children. Phew! Tired!

....and you know what, in the background of all of this activity I heard this nagging whisper "".  So to block it out, I just avoided even looking at blogs for fear that someone would "spring me" for looking, but not updating.  

True, it was my own little demon whispering guilty messages in my ear.  

To that end, I am going to pause on this blog, only updating it when I have the time...which really is what I am doing now, but I am letting you know...just in case you wonder.  :-)

I will be trying to update my other blog with my creative activities when I get the chance too.

Love and hugs for your understanding and patience,

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