How do I define my blog?
A smidge of crafty creativity
A few fab furniture finds
Some painting creativity
fed well with food and coffee....mmmm
tossed wtih some home musings and renovating
and embraced with a bit of family fun
I hope that this answers the most important of questions being asked at the latest party held by the wonderful Sarah at Modern Country Style.
I am usual! And perhaps that perfectly illustrates my blogging style: I am a relaxed cruisy blogger with all the best intentions of being here more often. Instead, due to family, work and day-to-day life commitments, I am here maybe once a week.
I love colour - house paint, oils, pastels, acrylics, fabric, leaves, trees, sky...I just love it. It was my constant ramblings of creativity, met with glazed expressions and the "uh-huhs" of my husband (clearly thinking about something else), that led me to engaging with the blogging community.
My affinity for colour means I love to paint, draw and doodle; to dabble in mixing, blending, smoodging (yeh, surely that is an art term!). I love it so much, sometimes in my enthusiasm to get started, I don't change out of my "normal" day clothes - so I have lots of clothes with paint on them. Whoops!
So that's where my second blog comes in: Paint With Me!
The intention of that blog is to engage and inspire other people who *may* want to give painting a try, but find "learn to paint" or "pay to learn" either intimidating or more of a commitment than they really want.
I figure I love painting and sharing...I love talking! why not combine the two and if just one person gets something from it, then that makes me happy.
And, that's me!!
I really am enjoying Sarah's party, because there are some truly wonderful blogs and I feel a little sad that there is just not enough time in the day to pay credit to all the talent that there is out there!
Thank you Sarah for organising a super party!!